100% hygienic.
Germs and bacteria on taps represent a potential risk of infection. XIBU senseTAP valves operate touchless and avoid contact contamination.
No more unnecessary water consumption.
With our touchless taps, water flows only when visitors to your washroom actually need it. Compared to conventional taps, this saves up to 75 percent of water and energy.
Can be used anywhere.
All taps can be installed with a cold water connection or pre-mixed water installation and with a decentralized or central hot water supply.
With our sensor taps, you can lower the consumption of water and energy by up to 75 percent. Each tap consumes a maximum of four liters of water per minute. After one minute, it stops the flow of water automatically. The robust all-metal construction and the built-in hygiene flushing meet the HACCP guidelines. The taps are powered either by battery or by a line supply.
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